
The Essential Priestess™ Training

A transformational journey for women who are ready to step into their sacred power!

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Experience the Essential Priestess Practices
that Radiate Light

Refresh your soul in the inner sanctum of the Temple

Dear One,

Hi — I’m Elizabeth Seraphine.

I created this temple to be what I had yearned for as a young woman coming of age, but could not find. This Priestess Path Lineages of Light® Temple holds wisdom from the ancient lineages and ever-present Spirit to renew and restore your body and soul.

Like many of you, I was born different. I was a very sensitive and empathic child. I talked to animals and trees, could see auras, and I was very interested in Spirit. Then, when I started to become a young woman at puberty, I dreamed of entering the safe and sacred walls of a temple, where I could learn spiritual wisdom and receive guidance from wise women.

But there were no temples.

Realizing that I lived in a world that had forgotten the sacred, where the wise women were working 9 to 5’s, and too stressed out to hold the sacred ways, my soul fell into despair. Devastated, I developed a severe eating disorder and began destroying my life. All the beautiful energy of puberty that is designed to flower the feminine soul imploded within me.

The stress on my body stopped my periods. I had successfully halted puberty and stunted my growth. Then, I was hospitalized. I had descended into the Dante’s Inferno, the Wasteland, of the American Dream. I lost the will to live and lost my soul.

After being released from the hospital, I got worse. When all seemed lost, I prayed. Then, the first “Lineage of Light” as I call them, came into my life — and I found shamanism.

I began formal shamanic studies at age 18 and by age 20, I received a miraculous healing of my eating disorder. It was that night, after my soul came back into my body, that I dedicated my life to the medicine path. What ensued is a string of events that took me to the gates of death and beyond into eternity where I met angels, spirit guides, and dream teachers. Then, these mentors began to teach me.

Over thirty years have passed and with those years, I sought out real masters and grandmasters of the sacred lineages, whom I apprenticed.

On this journey, I have scoured the heights and depths of the human soul, journeyed into the realms of angels and Spirit and trained and initiated thousands of souls.

None of this has been easy, nor has it been for the faint of heart. From over three decades of deep apprenticeship, countless initiations, and years of teaching, this temple was born. I invite you to enter and feel safe and sacred space within, listen to the ancient masters and dream teachers, and most of all — receive nourishment and restoration for your soul.

I offer this program as much for me as for you — so that we live and work and breathe inside the protective sanctuary of the Temples.

May we all return the sacred to our every day and create a life of beauty and refreshment.

To your shining,


During this sacred training, you will:

Take a respite from the world and restore your soul in the priestess sanctuary

Join a sisterhood of women who protect the sacred and love the Divine

Set up your space to receive the power of the Divine

Embody the spiritual architecture of your sacredness

Bring your Sacred Dream alive into all aspects of life to sanctify, heal and bless

Align with this one Universal Law that attracts health, love and abundance


The Essential Priestess™ Training


Get your seat in the temple!

Receive These Powerful Transmissions from Elizabeth:

Module 1: The Priestess Blueprint

The priestess blueprint is present in the souls of many healers, musicians, life-coaches and artists without many knowing it. The role of priestess is a calling for those who feel drawn to a life imbued with the power of spirit. and the priestess blueprint carries powerful ancient wisdom of how to embody this role.

You will learn:

Module 2: Map Your Sacred Dream

Often, women are too tired, stressed and burnt out to follow their sacred dream. Not anymore! From a clear space of the witness we will engage the seer within and gain a clear perspective of what your true sacred dream is, what it looks like and how to live it now!

You will learn:

Module 3: Preparing Your Vessel

You are the vessel that the power of Spirit flows into, yet most women have not been taught how to get out of the way and allow Spirit to enter their vessel. The more you can clear, the more power can flow through you. Learn the alchemy of power and how to become a vessel for that power.

You will learn:

Module 4: Meet Your Dream Keepers

You are the dream of Creator and you have powerful allies in the spirit world who have traveled with you for lifetimes. In this powerful module, we will connect with your spiritual allies that help you keep and care for your sacred dream. Having a more conscious relationship with these allies will provide assistance in the unseen realms on your sacred path.

You will learn:

Module 5: The Art of Soul Retreival

In this module you will be introduced to the art of soul retrieval -- what it is, how it works, and how is has been traditionally performed. You will be guided to tune into your soul and identify places where the soul may have distanced and we will do a journey to call our soul parts home.

You will learn:

Module 6: The Anointing

In this module you will learn what anointing is, the mulit-dimensional meaning of anointing and be guided in the art of calling down the light. Learn the alchemy of spiritual magnetism, how to call Spirit to you through your soul.

You will learn:

The Essential Priestess Training is your guide to the fundamental rituals that align you with the Divine and help you radiate light. You’re invited to join Elizabeth and like-minded sisters across the globe in this sacred temple.

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Cultivate Essential Practices for the Sacred in You!

The Essential Priestess Training

The Fundamental Rituals to Radiate Divine Light
$ 333
  • 6 Essential Training Sessions
  • 12 Hours of Powerful Transmissions
  • Private Fecebook Group of Global Sistars
  • Gratitude Journal and Workbook
  • Clarity on Your Purpose
  • Immediate Access to Exciting Bonuses
  • The Essential Priestess Soul Map

Get your Seat in The Temple
PLUS you’ll receive these BONUSES!

A guided masterclass workbook to anchor these foundational practices

A magical journal to set up your day for divine flow

Experience sacred transmissions, exercises and sacred wisdom

Insightuful Q & A's

What our sisters are saying….


Creator of the Priestess Path Lineages of Light™

Elizabeth (Wilcock) Seraphine is a mystic trail-blazer and creator of the Priestess Path Lineages of Light™. She initiates women into the mystic arts merging real lineage teachings and tools from direct revelation.

For most of her adult life she has trained with masters and grand masters in shamanism, martial arts, Taoism and qigong, while exploring the edges of the mystic envelope.

She has earned five black belts, co-owned five martial art and qigong schools, and is the first female lineage holder and master instructor in her martial art organization.

She went through her formal priestess initiation in 1999 and combines over thirty years of initiations and experience into her unique Priestess Path Lineages of Light™ Mystery School.

Join your Sisters and Learn the Essential Priestess Practices

On July 22nd - Reserve your Seat now

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